When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will INSPIRE, release BREAKTHROUGH and create positive CHANGE for your attendees!Ā 

When you hireĀ Maggie Baratto as a Key Note for your Conference, Company, or Church Event, you donā€™t just get a bland, canned presentation! Maggie customizes every message specifically for your audience from the heart of the Father!Ā Ā 

Maggie Barattoā€™s straight-from-the-heart delivery, passion and energy, inspires audiences to go beyond their real and perceived limitationsā€¦ so they can step into their God-given potential. Maggie is an anointed speaker who carries a powerful prophetic anointing and releases breakthrough and transformation!Ā 

Invite Maggie to Speak

Are you looking for a dynamic speaker that will make your next event a stunning success? Do you want a speaker that will release revelatory insights and bring transformation to your attendees? 

As a Keynote Speaker and leading authority, Maggie loves to empower the Body of Christ to break freeĀ from insecurity, striving, and feeling stuck so they can get clarity, have confidence and launch into new territory and live in their God given purpose!

Maggie leads by example and shares freely from the insights and wisdom God has given her through first hand experience. Rest assured, your people will love her and they will be inspired and challenged to reach for their God given dreams!Ā 

We encourage you toĀ contact usĀ so we can set up a 30-minute call to determine if we are a good fit for each other.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

From Stuck to Awe-Struck! Revelatory Insights to Help Launch you into New Territory by Maggie Baratto

This eBook is one of Maggie Baratto's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn how to:

  • Receive 5 Insights to Shift and Lift you into a New Mindset!
  • Get Fresh Vision!
  • Step into New Territory Today! 


TESTIMONY for 1:1 Coaching: I have experienced so much breakthrough in my life since doing the 1:1 Coaching with Maggie. I have been SET FREE from feeling stuck, weighted down and feeling like my life was going nowhere. I started to feel hope within the first couple sessions and I feel like I have a new beginning! It was worth the investment! 


 TESTIMONY for Group Coaching: I had a wonderful experience and received a significant breakthrough that prepared me to walk through an open door into my next season, plans and purposes for 2023. I came away feeling more confident in knowing that I hear from the Lord and that God will continue to use me to advance His Kingdom here on Earth. It was reset in my confidence as a leader as well as gave me valuable tools to use as a leader moving forward. It connected me with some lovely ladies that encouraged me and also that I learned many nuggets from as well. A blessing indeed and Maggie is a wonderful teacher and will help pivot you into your calling.

Rhonda F. 


TESTIMONY- I experienced a lot of inner healing during the sessions and I have received healing for rejection. I feel like I have a NEW LEASE on life! I believe I was made to THRIVE! I am so glad I signed up with Maggie.


TESTIMONY: I was having a Coaching session with Maggie. She was praying shock and trauma off of me, when  suddenly, I felt something different about my neck. It felt very light… It's hard to explain as I have felt pressure around my neck, all my life and I had breathing issues as a result. I thought it was normal.

When Maggie was praying, I could LITERALLY feel the pressure leave my neck. I was shocked as my neck felt so different.

I kept touching my neck to see what was happening as it felt so light! It felt like somebody cut the rope away from my neck. It brought tears to my eyes as the pressure I felt for years was gone. I lived with this thing for years not knowing it wasn’t normal. Today the pressure is still gone. My neck is still light, and the rope was cut. I'M FREE! Praise the Lord!


TESTIMONY: Maggie's unique anointing and depth of the Father's Heart touched my heart to personally seek Him more and pushed me into knowing Him more and seeing myself as He sees me. It challenged me TO STOP COMPARING MYSELF to others and speak the weekly focus scriptures over my life! 

Christine B.

TESTIMONY for 1:1 Coaching: Before working with Maggie, I was struggling with mental and spiritual strongholds. She helped me get free from those strongholds and I experienced tremendous freedom from trauma. 


TESTIMONY for Group Coaching: I thought I was going to just learn something new from this series. Instead, I became a part of a caring community where we learned and applied biblical truths together. My life will be forever changed and blessed.

Mark K.

TESTIMONY: WOW these last few months have been incredible!

I'M A NEW WOMAN, set free and ready to go! 

I have felt like a caged bird trapped for years but now THAT CAGED DOOR HAS BEEN OPENED and I can fly and I CAN TRULY BE THE ME  that God created me to be and allow the Lord to flow through me!

It's amazing in just a few months of 1:1 Coaching with Maggie how free I am, ready to take on the next steps in my life. I am no longer held back by the lies of my past and fears of my future! This experience has helped me to trust the Lord on a new level and feel confident in allowing Him to fulfill His purpose through me! 

 Maggie is a dynamic woman of God, her loving and gentle way of speaking God's truth-filled insights and revelations inspired by Holy Spirit will set you free, encourage and direct you on the path that is unique to you!

Connie F.

TESTIMONY: The recent passing of my husband left me wondering what my purpose was. I knew God had a plan for this new phase of my existence but what was His vision for my life? Where do I go from here? 

Through Maggie’s insight, the other ladies challenges and sound biblical teaching, the Father has confirmed my calling, demolished roadblocks, and opened greater opportunities for ministry. I’m 78 - going strong! I am looking forward to, anticipating the challenges, and all that the Father wants to do with my life. Surrender isn’t easy but it will be worthwhile to Thrive in His Hive. Thank you Maggie

Donna W.


TESTIMONY: My experience was amazing! I have a closer walk with the Holy Spirit! 

Sharon G.


TESTIMONY: If you're hungry for God, if you feel like you've lost your passion to seek after God, or if you feel like you're stuck in the muck and mire of your cIrcumstances, then by all means, make the commitment to participate in this series! 

Jan S.


TESTIMONY: Maggie's unique anointing and depth of the Father's Heart touched my heart to personally seek Him more and pushed me into knowing Him more and seeing myself as He sees me. It challenged me TO STOP COMPARING MYSELF to others and speak the weekly focus scriptures over my life! 

Christine B.

TESTIMONY for 1:1 Coaching: Maggie's online presence and input in my life was empowering, encouraging and educational! I feel closer to the one who knows, made and loves me. I was TRULY BLESSED by this divinely, timely appointment! I would recommend 1:1 Coaching with Maggie to other women, especially if you are pioneering a new adventure. 

Donna B.


TESTIMONY: I was having a Coaching session with Maggie. She was praying shock and trauma off of me, when  suddenly, I felt something different about my neck. It felt very light… It's hard to explain as I have felt pressure around my neck, all my life and I had breathing issues as a result. I thought it was normal.

When Maggie was praying, I could LITERALLY feel the pressure leave my neck. I was shocked as my neck felt so different.

I kept touching my neck to see what was happening as it felt so light! It felt like somebody cut the rope away from my neck. It brought tears to my eyes as the pressure I felt for years was gone. I lived with this thing for years not knowing it wasn’t normal. Today the pressure is still gone. My neck is still light, and the rope was cut. I'M FREE! Praise the Lord!


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